Miss Chu.
By Mark Treviranus
Known as the Queen of rice paper rolls, Miss Chu is dedicated to serving Vietnamese food with a difference.
Miss Chu
150 Bourke Street
(+61) 2 8356 9988
Walk up William Street and you’ll see a Bourke Street shop-front decked out in potted banana trees and colourful little table settings, while dogs of all shapes and sizes sun themselves on the footpath. This is Miss Chu – Darlinghurst’s worst kept secret. It may look like an incredibly random kiosk on a little side street but Miss Chu is a rare gem in Sydney where the hawker style street stall is brought to life offering some of the best rice paper rolls in the city. Make no mistake: you’ll want to have your order ready and your money ready to hand over. Miss Chu herself, equipped with a megaphone fashioned from a paper cup, doesn’t suffer indecision. The Peking duck pancakes are to die for and at $2.50 each you should definitely order more than one.