Babes on Grill.
By Rebecca Sloan
This pop-up dining venture has burger lovers locked to social media to find out where these babes will pop up next.
Babes on Grill
Various locations around the city
All kewpie everything featuring hot sauce. This is the key to my heart, and Alicia ‘Quail’ Twohill knows my heart like no other. Babes on Grill is Alicia’s brainchild and she creatively directs mini burgers all the way into the guts of Melburnians from a range of bars, pubs and parties.
Babes on Grill is inspired by the street vendors of South America and Asia and is forever serving up innovative flavour combinations with a side of spicy sweet corn for the health conscious. Made by babes, for babes, it’s the tastiest travelling ticket in town. Follow them on Facebook or Instagram to find out where they’ll be next — or drool all over your mobile device over their crazy-amazing catering offerings.