Boilermaker House.
By Deborah Raj
Your one stop shop for world class cheese, cured meats and craft brews.
Boilermaker House
209-211 Lonsdale Street
Having worked at 1885 in Britomart, one of the world’s top bartenders, Jack Sotti has gone on to create the institution that is the Boilermaker House. Named after the Boilermaker, a concoction that comprises of beer and a shot of whiskey, this CBD pitstop is a must for craft brew lovers. Boasting ever-changing offerings penned directly onto the tap tiles with a black marker, the Boilermaker House also showcases it’s dedication to the cheese board and charcuterie via their cured meat and cheese cabinet – it’s to your left as soon as you enter the door so you can’t miss it. Weekly tastings every Thursday at 6pm.