Ipanema Beach.
By Claire Sullivan
Grab a towel and a g string bikini and sunbathe on one of the most famous beaches in the world.
Ipanema Beach
Impanema Beach is arguably one of the best beaches in the world. When you head there do what the locals do – order a Caipirinha from any of the kiosks on the beach. Find a spot to park up and marvel at the influx of locals on their daily after work beach vigil. Be sure to pick just the right “Posto” on the beach because, like life in general, where you sit on the beach dictates what type of life you lead. It shouldn’t take too long for you to work it out for yourself…but in case you’re a little weary from your active day, may I suggest anything around Posto 9 might provide you with some visually pleasing scenery – both in and out of the water.